
Магистерская Программа по Экономике

Трирский Университет

Магистратура Зимний Семестр 246,70 EUR / Семестр

Are you about to finish your Bachelor's thesis or have you already completed your Bachelor’s degree? Do you want to continue your studies in an international Master's program that combines research and policy orientation? Do you prefer individual support over crowded classrooms? If you answer "Yes" to these three questions, then the Master's program in Economics at the University of Trier is the right choice for you.
The master program M.Sc. Economics is a two-year full-time program that combines application and research oriented courses and has a special emphasis on empirical methods. In addition to a thorough training in economic theory and econometrics, you can - depending on your specialization - attend a varying number of courses offered, e.g., by the Business Department, the Political Science Department or the Sociology Department. For the specialization beginning in the second semester you can choose among the following five options: European Political Economy The specialization European Political Economy is directed towards students who want to deepen their knowledge of the economic aspects of European Integration and the design of economic policy in the European Union (EU) and its Member States. European Labour Markets and Innovation Economic questions at the junction of economics, especially Labour Economics, and Business Administration European Finance Provides deeper knowledge in Economics as well as Finance European Social Security and Health Systems This specialization is directed towards students who are interested in the economics of the social state (e.g., pensions, welfare, taxation) and has a special focus on the economics of the health care sector. Empirical Analysis Focuses on the teaching and application of empirical and analytical methods. Equal attention is paid to theoretical as well as data analysis.

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