The Master's Programme Political Economy is a truly interdisciplinary endeavour of the Department of Economics and the Department of Politics and Public Administration. A unified approach to teaching political economy at the graduate level has become inescapable because economic research on political processes and advanced political science research have become virtually indistinguishable. This Master’s Programme provides students with a modern and comprehensive postgraduate education in economics and political science that will allow them to conduct high standard research in the fascinating field of political economy. This interdisciplinary education renders them highly competitive in the market for top quality jobs in academia, public administration, international organizations and multinational firms.
The program’s focus is on training in quantitative theoretical and empirical methods, and on the application of these methods in the analysis of challenging and topical issues in various policy fields, such as social policy, public finance, education policy, trade policy and security affairs.
The University of Konstanz is one of only eleven universities nationwide with the formal status of “University of Excellence”. Founded in 1966 as a research university, it is a role model for the integration of research into teaching. Its first-rate infrastructure includes an excellent 24-hour library, state-of-the-art computer facilities, a language institute offering a wide variety of foreign language courses and superb sports facilities.
The Department of Economics enjoys an outstanding reputation in teaching and research. Its 26 full, junior and assistant professors from the fields of economics, business administration, econometrics, statistics, business and economics education as well as over 60 doctoral researchers and guest professors from reputable universities worldwide provide an intellectually stimulating and productive environment for study and research. The Department of Politics and Public Administration belongs to the top political science departments in Europe. Over 200 graduate students and 60 doctoral researchers currently profit from the research-oriented teaching that is typical for the Konstanz political science program. The Political Economy program brings together the expertise of these two outstanding departments and provides students with an excellent education.
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