Магистерская Программа Бизнес Администрирование – Предпринимательство в Цифровых Технологиях
Магистерская Программа Бизнес Администрирование – Предпринимательство в Цифровых Технологиях
Мюнхенский Университет Прикладных Наук
МагистратураЗимний Семестр114,50 EUR / None
Companies like Netflix, Amazon, Uber and Airbnb have completely altered their industry segments. Other start-ups are disrupting old business models and show the world the rules of business have changed. Existing companies in the automotive and financial sector are working out strategies to ensure that they are able to compete in the market with new sales channels, new products and services with improved quality and higher speed of implementation. Dropbox, Twitter or Skype changed processes and procedures in companies. The implementation of the new business models is only possible by the parallel adaptation of the business processes. The basis for the above changes in the business model and processes are digital innovations such as mobile devices, IOT or cloud technologies. Besides existing companies like Apple, Google or IBM, a variety of new challengers are driving the economy. Leaders of companies need digital competences as key qualification for the economy to enhance the entrepreneurial culture of existing and new companies. This includes the transfer of expertise for basic digital economic principles as well as digital business principles and strategies. At the same time, the gap between management and technology must be closed.
“Digitalisation adds a new dynamic for entrepreneurs. Never before has the symbiosis of technology and entrepreneurship been so perfect. This forces Entrepreneurs to combine technological competence with strategic thinking.“ Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Broy (President and founder of the Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern)
The Department of Business Administration follows the need of companies to qualify more graduates with high technology and digitisation affinity. Therefore, we offer cutting edge topics and applied science in a dynamic city.
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