
Магистр Трудовой Политики и Глобализации

Берлинский Университет Экономики и Права (HWR)

Магистратура 500,00 EUR / Семестр

The Master programme Labour Policies and Globalisation is a 1-year MA programme on Sustainable Development, Social Justice, International Labour Standards and Trade Unions. The programme in Germany is jointly offered by the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics; two German academic institutions with special expertise on global governance, macroeconomics, and trade union strategies. The focus of the Masters programme in “Labour Policies and Globalisation” is on the challenges for labour posed by corporate decisions on investments across nations, by predominantly supply-side oriented macroeconomics, and by neo-liberal rules for trade and finance at a global level. Discussion of the adequacy of alternative policies for labour is a central element throughout the programme.
The Global Labour University (GLU) has been established in 2004 as a global network of universities, international and national trade unions, civil society organisations and the International Labour Organization (ILO). It aims at providing postgraduate qualification programmes for trade unionists, labour activists and experts. The accredited Masters programme "Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG)" was started in 2004 and is jointly offered by the University of Kassel and the IMB at the Berlin School of Economics. The programme focuses on the challenges posed to labour by corporate decisions on investments across nations, by predominantly supply-side oriented macroeconomics and by neo-liberal rules for trade and finance at a global level. Discussion of alternative policies for labour is a central element throughout the programme. Close cooperation with the German trade union federation (DGB) and European trade unions provides participants with insights into the practice of social dialogue, collective bargaining, and co-determination in the German and European context. The MA programme addresses young people who have acquired their first degree (Bachelor/Diploma) in Political Sciences, Sociology, Law or Economics and who have a particular interest and work experience in the field of trade unionism and related areas.

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