
Магистр Наук в Экономике

Рейнский Боннский университет Фридриха Вильгельма

Магистратура Зимний Семестр 285,00 EUR / Семестр

Our Master of Science program in Economics is a comprehensive two-year program covering all areas of Economics. The program is held in English. Throughout the program, special emphasis is put on mathematical, statistical and econometric methods to prepare students optimally for further academic studies or positions where strong quantitative skills are demanded. The program acquaints graduate students with the methodological framework underlying current research and academic debates and enables them to apply their knowledge to a broad range of economic problems. It equips students with a thorough understanding of the principles of economic theory and its applications in various fields. Students have the possibility to choose from a wide range of advanced level courses and a selection of Ph.D. courses to tailor the program to their needs.

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