
Магистр Наук в Экономике и Финансам

Тюбингенский Университет Эберхарда и Карла

Магистратура Зимний Семестр 153,80 EUR / Семестр

The M.Sc. in Economics and Finance combines the strengths of our faculty in economics, finance and econometrics.
The M.Sc. in Economics and Finance combines the strengths of our faculty in economics, finance and econometrics. The 2008 crisis originating in the financial sector has proved to have severe consequences for economies and societies worldwide. It is therefore of utmost importance that decision makers in financial institutions, regulatory offices and central banks have a sound understanding of economic theory, the financial instruments designed for risk management, and the tools of modern econometric analysis. Graduating from our program, you will be able to analyze financial and economic data in a scientific manner. You will know how prices of risky assets should be determined. Moreover, you will understand why financial instruments like options and futures can increase social welfare, even though they may involve potential risks for individual investors and financial stability We place great emphasis on active student involvement. Attending seminars, you will write research papers on topics in economics or finance and present your results in class. The seminar experience will prepare you to work on your Master thesis under the dedicated supervision of a faculty member. The Master thesis will allow you to move up to the frontier of academic research. In doing so, you will acquire methodological skills and expertise that greatly enhance your career perspectives. An M.Sc. in Economics and Finance is the first step towards an ambitious professional career in private and public (financial) institutions or academia. Aside from the M.Sc. in Economics and Finance program, the School of Business and Economics offers two related programs: • M.Sc. in Economics • M.Sc. in International Economics Each of these programs starts with compulsory courses, paving the ground for subsequent field courses. They draw on a common pool of field courses, but each program has its own curricular requirements that reflect its philosophy and orientation.

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