Управление Глобальными Изменениями (Магистр Наук) (GMC)
Управление Глобальными Изменениями (Магистр Наук) (GMC)
Университет Устойчивого Развития Эберсвальде
МагистратураЗимний Семестр220,80 EUR / Семестр
The mission of the International Master Study Programme Global Change Management is to educate change agents and professionals who are able to cope with challenges of natural resource management under global change and able to develop goal-oriented solutions for a sustainability transition.
During the four-semester study programme students learn systems thinking as well as strategies and practice of change management. Considering Global Change Management as a cross-sectoral challenge we strive for an adaptive, proactive and precautionary approach to natural resource management and sustainability.
Global Change
Global environmental change processes modify the character of the earth system and therefore influence directly or indirectly the fundamental natural resources of mankind.
Nowadays climate change is recognized as the most important factors driving these changes. Other facets of global environmental change concern the loss of biodiversity, vast deforestation, freshwater availability and soil degradation. Main drivers of these rapid changes are population growth, propagation and intensification of agriculture and industry, rising consumption of goods and energy and the globalization of the world economy.
Scientific and public interest in global change issues is continuously growing. Actors and various levels (from local to international) are seeking political and institutional solutions for the pressing problems of Global Change. There is growing demand for well-trained specialists who are able to cope with challenges of natural resource management under Global Change.
The aim of the Programme
This Master programme trains specialists who are able to effectively contribute to the mitigation of and adaptation to the drastic effects of Global Change. The main focus is on a proactive sustainable use of natural resources.
A distinctive feature of this programme is the partnership of the University with internationally renowned research institutes as well as business and NGO partners. The partners, Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Germanwatch e.V., Munich Re, Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU), and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Thünen-Institute contribute with modules specifically designed for this study programme.
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