
Экономика (Магистратура)

Мюнхенский Университет имени Людвига и Максимилиана

Магистратура Зимний Семестр 128,00 EUR / Семестр

The Department of Economics at LMU Munich offers a 4-semester Master’s Program in Economics taught in English, leading to a Degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.). Building upon thorough training in Economics at the Bachelor’s level, the Master’s Program provides students with analytical and logical problem-solving skills, deepens their knowledge of Economics and brings them to the frontiers of current research. Master’s students are trained for a demanding international professional career, and/or for an academic career in high-level economic research. From a widely structured course catalogue, students have the option of choosing research-oriented courses that will perfectly prepare them to continue with our Ph.D. Program. The content of the research-oriented courses overlaps to a large extent with that of the first year Ph.D. course program.

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