
Развивающаяся Экономика (Магистр Наук)

Университет Гёттингена им. Георга-Августа

Магистратура Летний Семестр Зимний Семестр 336,95 EUR / Семестр

What do we “develop” in our Master's programme in Development Economics? If “software” is the answer you were looking for, the app obviously led you to the wrong page. But if you want to know what economic and policy instruments can spur growth of a whole country, how to assess the impact of a policy measure, or most efficiently help developing countries reach adequate living standards or whether help helps at all. If you’d like to do your own research in this field one day or work with governments and aid agencies advising them on current development issues– this might be just the right study for you!
The English-language Master of Arts in Development Economics is jointly offered by the Department of Economics (Faculty of Economic Sciences) and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences). It builds on the successful Master of Arts in International Economics and the Master of Arts in Agribusiness; these programmes already had a strong specialisation in development issues. This research-oriented master's programme now offers a comprehensive four semester programme dedicated solely to the study of development economics issues. It leads to an internationally recognized and accredited master's degree in development economics and offers research-oriented teaching that covers theoretical as well as empirical issues in economic development. Its wide course offerings, one semester stay abroad, master's thesis and specialisation in agricultural economics or economics will enable students to analyse current issues in development economics and prepare them for careers in research or policy.

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