
Магистр Наук в Экономике

Рурский Университет Бохума

Магистратура Летний Семестр Зимний Семестр 100,00 EUR / Семестр

The Master of Science (MSc) in Economics at Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) is an accredited two-year degree program that provides students with thorough knowledge of modern economic theories, concepts and techniques. While the program has a firm commitment to economic theory, the main focus is on applied economics and economic policy analysis. The MSc program is designed to enable students to identify the economic content of a problem, develop hypotheses, apply appropriate analytical tools and models, and develop policy alternatives. The full-time program is taught in English and starts twice a year in the summer and winter terms. No tuition fees are charged (apart from an enrollment fee).
Flexibility is a key characteristic of the program. Besides six core modules, students are offered a wide range of elective courses to choose from, and courses with varying degrees of abstraction and applicability are also available. The flexible, modular structure of the program allows for a significant amount of specialization in line with individual abilities and interests. For those students who wish to follow a certain study scheme during their Master, the program offers two specializations to choose from: “International Economics and Finance” and “"Economic Policy". Master student Niklas van den Boom "In the years I have studied the MSc in Economics here in Bochum I really enjoyed the large variety of the offered lectures. It doesn´t matter in what topic of economics you want to specialize, the appropriate modules are provided. Furthermore I just made great experiences concerning the professors and their chairs, which are surrounded by qualified and responsible teams, always approachable for the students.” The strong interaction between teaching faculty and students, as well as the small group size, guarantee a stimulating academic environment and optimal learning conditions. Combined with a good knowledge of the English language, the Master in Economics provides students with both theoretical and practical knowledge that is essential to take up interesting positions in the private sector and in public institutions. The program also serves as an excellent preparatory degree for those students wishing to move on to a Ph.D. program. Master student Christopher Krause "I study at Ruhr-University Bochum because the wide range of courses makes it possible to focus on my subjects of interest and to gain further expertise in all fields of economics. The close linkage between theory and empirical work lay the foundation of an interesting Master's program and a professional career in research."

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